Easter is upon us and right on cue the fishing in Charleston and Folly Beach is producing some of our favorite inshore sport fish. Redfish, Trout and Sheepshead have been making way over the side of the boat in ever increasing numbers keeping anglers busy in all tide phases. The Reds have been taking mud minnows, soft plastics by Z-Man and DOA, cut bait such as mullet crab and shrimp. Trout have been eating soft plastics by Z-Man and DOA, mud minnows and shrimp under corks and if you can find them menhaden live lined with a split shot into deep holes. Sheepshead have been holding inshore on rocks, dock pilings and any kind of hard structure. Fiddler crabs and oyster meat have been taking the most fish. Fish a Carolina rig with a 10 inch leader and a #2 mosquito hook. Drop it down to the bottom next to structure and lift the weight about a foot off the structure. Wait for the soft quick tap and set the hook immediately. These guys are quick so be sharp and expect to go through some tackle in the process. If you want additional information on tackle or techniques your favorite tackle shop will be happy to offer you the information that you need. To book a charter you may do so online here under “booking” or just call 843-696-4231 or email me at captain@charlestonfishrodbendingcompany.com
Lets go fishing!
Captain Kevin Blair