Deep Sea fishing and inshore charter fishing in Charleston and Folly Beach has been great this month. We have enjoyed our typical mild weather this Fall and that has kept the fish and fisherman happy! When conditions permit we have been riding out to the reefs to enjoy the non stop action from Weakfish, Black Drum, Sheepshead, Redfish and more including False Albacore. We have been targeting those fish with cut bait, casting jigs and topwater lures that have been bringing explosive strikes. To be on the other end of the rod when that happens is a feeling you will never forget! Inshore fishing charters are putting up solid numbers of Speckled Trout and Redfish as these species begin to fatten themselves up for our short winter. Hungry redfish are being caught on mullet, crab and artificials made by Z-Man and DOA. The Trout can often be caught nearby in deeper water on live shrimp, mud minnows and soft plastics. Sheepshead will begin congregating in larger numbers this month as the waters continue to cool. We will fish for them during the slower tides and they can provide a challenge due to their light bite. Many times an angler will set the hook on what they think is a little fish and they suddenly have the rod doubled over with a fish trying to take cover back in the rocks or structure, so be prepared for strong fight all the way up to the boat! We have been catching those fish on fiddler crabs and live shrimp. We have good tides coming up and the fishing should continue to provide plenty of action for people who want to get out on the water. Come on out, it’s still not too late to catch the your biggest fish of the year!

Deep Sea fishing Charleston SC

Charleston fishing Inshore